There is a town in the south of England called Lewes, which every year on Bonfire Night burns an effigy of the least popular personality of the last 12 months. Previous victims in recent years (or maybe that's the wrong word, as generally they deserve it) have included Osama Bin Laden, Colonel Gaddafi, Bush and Blair, Cameron and Clegg, the Pope (perhaps unfair), Angela Merkel (definitely unfair) and Jimmy Savile (yep, fair enough).
This year, while a return for David Cameron would have been justified, and Nigel Farage must have been fairly high up on the list, clearly there was one candidate who was way ahead of the competition, who I doubt needs any introduction - one Donald J. Trump Esq.
While it was tempting to create an effigy of him to burn myself at home, sadly I have very limited outdoor space, so that would potentially have been somewhat dangerous.
Instead, I decided to create an image of Trump in the only way I saw fit - with tinned foods, based on an idea I had seen in a vintage SPAM cookbook that I'd bought off eBay for "Funny Faces", made out of the famous tinned luncheon meat to amuse the children.