Sunday 9 January 2022

A grape way to start a new year

 A very Happy New Year to all, whether regular readers of this blog, or just passing visitors.

I hope you all managed to enjoy some celebrations of some kind to see in 2022, even if, for the second year running, they weren't quite as you might have wanted them to be. While it is always sad when traditions observed at annual celebrations with family and friends are forced to change or be missed, it makes them all the more special when you do get to do them again. Fingers crossed for a return to a normal Christmas and New Year in a little under 12 months' time.

Talking of traditions, in Spain, there is a special way of seeing in the New Year by eating a grape on each chime of the clock as it rings out for midnight, to bring good luck in the year ahead. Each of the grapes represents a month in the coming year.

I had heard of the tradition before, but didn't really appreciate quite how widespread a custom it was in Spain until noticing on the food-sharing app OLIO that someone had listed some tins of grapes to give away.