Friday 6 May 2016

Deeply fascinatin'

Those of you with an interest in science and the natural world will have been enthralled this week by the footage beamed live from the bottom of the Mariana trench, which at 11km beneath the surface of the Pacific is the deepest point on Earth. That's nearly 3 times the average depth of the ocean, over 10 times deeper than sunlight can reach, and further below sea level than the summit of Mount Everest is above it. It's so hard to get to that very little is known about the region, so the images of the flora and fauna that somehow survive down there, including species never seen before, have stunned scientists just as much as the public, as their commentary on the footage reveals.

They also found this:

Proof, if ever it was needed, that whatever lengths, or depths, you go to, you can never completely get rid of SPAM these days.

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