Monday 25 December 2017

Alternative Uses for Tins No.6

Spotted in a recent edition of Waitrose Weekly:

Sadly I didn't have time to send all my loved ones cards made from tins, though I am not really sure what they would have made of corned beef Christmas greetings anyway. So instead I shall take this non-tin-shaped opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and all best wishes for 2018!


  1. Merry Christmas to you too!
    Have a great 2018!

  2. Hey, everything OK with you?
    If you’re noot keen on continuing the blog, it’s fine (well...), but please let me know that you’re doing OK. I hate worrying about people.

    1. Hello! Thank you so much for your concern - I am fine thank you, but work and life in general have just been manic these past few months hence no posts so far this year. But...there is light at the end of the tunnel and I do have some part-written posts that I hope to finish off very soon, so hopefully there will be something up before very long! Thank you again and hope you are well too! TTC

    2. No pressure!
      I love this blog, but I totally understand that life gets in the way not only occasionally. Not sure if I ever mentioned it, but husband and I are passionate homebrewers, yet it took us over a year in the new city to actually get started on a new brew (it is fermenting these days). With me having started a new job, things are a bit fluid anyway.

      So yes, I really understand, and I am not complaining. Still wanted to make sure everything’s alright with you, though. Good people are somewhat rare and need to be wondered about. Especially the tinned variety. ;-)

      Looking forward to reading about new adventures, but am prepared to wait patiently. Tinned goods don’t expire quickly...

    3. Ah that's very kind! It's the comments from readers that spur me on to keep going so thank you very much for this. Watch this space!

      I've never tried homebrewing myself but have a good friend who does and has made some really great stuff. Is it a big thing in Germany? They have such good beer across the country that I wonder how many people brew their own! Great that you're keeping it up though!

    4. To be honest, it’s totally no thing in Germany. It’s almost frowned upon, really, as everything is corporations and purity laws and a rather dogmatic looking down noses.
      I asked in a forum about ingredient shops and was told to get a case of Augustiner at the supermarket round the corner if I want beer.
      We’re importing things from elsewhere now...

      Funnily enough though, my colleagues seem to be fascinated by the whole thing and have already sniffed the first samples (or actually tasted them, in some cases). I have loads of orders, once the batch is bottled.

      Craft breweries are up and coming, and gaining momentum, I think. But homebrewing is still few and far in between.
      But hey! At least I am an oddity at work. A mildly amusing one, I think...

      All is good. I am in a very happy place right now.

      And looking dorward to hearing from you.
      Take care of your good self!

    5. Keep it up and who knows, it might catch on one day!
      Best wishes,

  3. Greetings! Being too lazy to search for the correct post of yours, I still wanted to let you know that I am currently tucking into a Fray Bentos chicken pie I imported on a recent trip to Scotland. Yummy! Or not, but a very nostalgic thing to do and thus tasty by definition.

    Wishing you well!

    1. Many thanks for this! Glad you have been enjoying a tinned pie. Well, eating a tinned pie... Here was the original post, in case you want to compare and contrast:

      Yet more months have passed...but I am working on a new post to go up very soon!

      Hope all is well with you,

